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Tech - Maya/ OpenGL

Maya plugins (C++/ Python), 3D Modeling, 3D Animation
Volunmetric Rendering (C++), Ray-tracing (C++), Scene Graph (C++)
★ Fashion Transformer
       - Maya Authoring Tool (Plugin) 

02/2014 - 05/2014

C++ Maya API, Mel Script


The goal of this project is to create an application that preserves the design of a garment in the process of automatically transferring it to bodies of different shapes.


Our tool was developed as a Maya plug-in using MEL scripting to create the user interface and the C++ API. Our work is based on the paper by Remi Brouet, Alla Sheffer, Laurence Boissieux and Marie-Paule Cani, Design Preserving Garment Transfer. 

 3D Animation, Modeling
   Volumetric Rendering
   & Ray-Tracing & Scene Graph

Maya, C++, C#, Kinect SDK

Video: Adobe After Effects


  1. 3D animation

  2. 3D modeling (object, character, environment)

  3. Evolving Cloud (Volumetric Rendering)

  4. Ray Tracing

  5. Virtual Fitting Room (Kinect App)


★ Position Based Fluid
              - Physically Based Fluid Simulation
 Jello & Smoke Simulation


C++, based on frameworks



04/2014 - 05/2014

C++, Maya


This is a 3-member group project based on the paper "Position Based Fluids" by Miles Macklin and Matthias Muller. 


We used Marching Cubes algorithm to reconstruct surface and rendered our results in Maya. 

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